The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is an integral part of the Christian Church, although distinctive in government and practice. The Army's doctrine follows the mainstream of Christian belief and its articles of faith emphasise God's saving purposes. Its objects are the advancement of the Christian religion ... of education, the relief of poverty, and other charitable objects beneficial to society or the community of mankind as a whole.

Contact our local Salvation Army by calling 211 for the local phone number

Long Term Recovery Group

We, the LTRG, will provide coordinated overall management of the long-term recovery process to residents of Victoria County, Texas and provide additional long-term assistance to individuals affected by disasters who do not have adequate personal resources for basic needs as a result of disasters. We will also provide case management, spiritual, emotional, physical, and financial resources to those affected by the disaster regardless of race, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or religious preference.

Office is located at 6502 Nursery Dr. Ste 100 Victoria, TX Phone: (361) 703-5567

Grant Work

GrantWorks’ Community Development, Disaster Recovery, Planning, Housing, Transportation and Hazard Mitigation staff work together to benefit our client communities. Having these specializations under one roof allows for interdisciplinary problem solving, improved performance, and a full range of service. Our grant management core competency is supported by specializations ranging from affordable housing finance and economic development to engineering (TBPE F-8675) and geographic information systems.

Located at the Victoria Water Building 700 Main Street, Victoria, Texas 77901

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers in Texas

Addiction recovery is a deeply personal journey of self-discovery and transformation. Undertaking this journey with the guidance of knowledgeable, experienced clinicians and mental health specialists through a residential treatment program helps to solidify the foundation for your future. 

For multiple resources on Drug and Rehab Center please visit